Last minute steps to prepare for SBI PO Mains exam 2018

SBI PO Mains Exam 2018 is round the corner, hardly few days are left. Most of you must have completed your syllabus by now. The SBI PO Mains exam is scheduled on 4th August 2018. Plan each day before the exam in a systematic way so that you are able to balance your presence of mind and physical health too.

Last minute exam blues should not be able to hover over your head or else you will not be able to achieve your DREAMS. It does not means that you should stop studying or start rigorous study plan rather you should follow a smooth and relaxing pattern of living.

Besides all odds, there are certain tips to balance your last minute examination fever these are:
  1. Take one mock test every day and attempt it seriously. Buy online mock test series for SBI PO 2018 Mains Exam and attempt them as your real exam. Improve your speed and accuracy rather than just working on your weaknesses.
  2. Do not start any new topic now as it will take your peace of mind and you will lose interest in giving exam. It will lead to a negative performance and this phase is not a risk taking one. Better be with what you know and practice it thoroughly.
  3. Practice time management religiously by mugging up the short cuts to complex calculations i.e
  • Squares of numbers from 1–20
  • Cubes of numbers from 1–20
  • Basic formulas or steps to solve questions efficiently

  1. Revise the current affairs of last six months which you have studied during exam preparation.
  2. Avoid doing guess work while attempting mock tests. Each wrong guess will give you a negative marking therefore does not practice wild guesses.
  3. Take a break of at least one or two hours from studies. Go for a walk and make your mind fresh. It will again boost your energy and your mind will be healthy.
  4. Do not skip meals. Take regular meals and healthy food. Avoid eating junk food or else you will fall sick.
  5. Think positive about your exam preparation and be motivated to ace the SBI PO EXAM MAINS 2018.
Wishing you a great success to accomplish your DREAMS!!!


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