Important tips to make Successful Strategy for SBI Clerk Prelims 2019

SBI Clerk Prelims 2019 exam is the first stage of the recruitment drive for SBI PO 2019 exam. It’s a preliminary stage of exam which works like “filter” to select the few deserving candidates from rest of the candidates. For every candidate, it is the most crucial stage as it will play “decisive factor” and will also judge their aptitude and level of preparation. The selected candidates from this selection process will be move towards next selection phases- SBI PO Mains 2019 exam and Interview Round. So, it is clear that qualifying SBI PO Prelims 2019 is the most important phase of this selection process.

In this article, we will discuss important tips to make successful strategy for SBI PO Prelims 2019 exam.

Firstly, we will discuss the exam pattern of SBI Clerk Prelims 2019 exam: -
  1. English Language – This section is of 30 marks with 30 questions in it.
  2. Numerical Ability- This section is of 35 marks with 35 questions in it.
  3. Reasoning Ability- This section is of 35 marks with 35 questions in it.
Mode of Examination

SBI Clerk Prelims will be conducted in online mode. Candidates appearing for SBI clerk Recruitment Exam will be allotted a desktop, where they will be first shown all the instructions and guidelines that need to be followed by them. Thereafter, the questions will start appearing on their desktop which needs to be answered one by one. There will be 3 sections in the exam and the duration of the exam will be 1 hour. The questions will be of objective type and candidates have to select one out of four options given in the answers. Every correct answer will be awarded 1 mark and wrong answer will be penalized by 0.25 marks. There is no provision of sectional cut off but he has to clear overall cut off to get selected for the following rounds. Each section of this selection process has to be finished in 20 minutes separately. 

Section-wise strategy

English Language Section

To improve vocabulary and grammatical skills, students should develop routine of reading daily English newspapers and informative magazine and books. It will not only augment their word power but will also increase their reading and understanding speed to substantial level. The students should primarily focus on learning the basics of every concept and try to maximize speed of solving questions.

In topic like Reading Comprehension, the reading skills of students are tested where their understanding levels are tested and they have to use their common sense in answering the questions. The students are advised to attempt questions based on vocabulary and phrases first followed by other questions which demands conceptual understanding of the entire paragraph. The most significant topics for Cloze test are subject-verb agreement, preposition and verbs.

Numerical Ability Section

It is most complex of all the sections where the candidates will be getting only 20 minutes to solve 35 tricky questions. Therefore, you are supposed to prepare this section with proper strategy, genuineness and hard work. The students are advised to work hard on topics like Quadratic Equations, Simplification, and Approximation, and Number Series, as questions are repeatedly asked from these topics.

The topic of Data Interpretation is very consequential because 3 to 5 questions are generally asked from it. Subsequently, the students are advised to prepare arithmetic miscellaneous topics like CI & SI, Time and Work, Pipes, and Cisterns, Partnership, etc. After accomplishing every topic with proper understanding, the students should sincerely try to attempt maximum mock tests to test their abilities. The regular practice of mock tests will sharpen their skills and make them mentally prepare to face heat and pressure on the exam day. 

Reasoning Ability Section

Time Management Skills plays significant role in cracking this because it is the most time consuming section. The candidate’s reasoning abilities are tested in this section and increasing toughness of questions in exam has further made this section more challenging for them. For better results, the candidates are advised to prepare important topics like inequalities, direction and distance, syllogism, coding-decoding, alphanumeric series, and other such random topics. The students should try to solve set of complicated questions and try to solve them in minimum time, as time-management skills matters the most in scoring cut-off marks.

Prepare an Organized Preparation Strategy and maintain consistency in your study plan, success will be yours!

All the Best!!!


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